Deliver Magazine talked to Cynthia Cornell a color researcher with Color Communications. She offered some loose meanings for colors.
Blue-based reds (like raspberry) are associated with more expensive products
Yellow based reds (like tomato) are imagined to be less expensive
Orange can play up affordability
Yellow is the first color the eye sees, when it is used with a dark color for high contrast, it becomes more powerful and easily read
Green conveys possibility and hope
Blue connotes confidence and safety, it is a great choice for financial and medical institution mailers
Purple is very popular right now, but it is traditionally used with high fashion, sports teams or sweet treats
Black conveys a strong sense of power, promise and the ability for high contrasts. Add sheen or matte to black and it becomes more powerful
White implies sophistication and formality, but also a high-end price point
Does this refresher about color inspire you to try something new with your design? Can we review your ideas or help you put them into new idea?
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