Other Ways to Look at Status

A recent briefing from Trendwatching.com listed “Statusphere” as a trend to watch. They defined the term as recognition and respect for fellow consumers who are no longer solely obsessed with owning or experiencing the most and/or the most expensive. Those who stray from the “consuming more” path now have eminence too. It is a recognition that status can also be about acquired skills and knowledge, eco-credentials, generosity or connectivity.

The post stated that “because man’s vanity, ego, his yearning to be recognized, seen, admired, heard, envied and lusted after knows no boundaries, there will always be new ways to help him/her stand out from the herd.”

What can you do to use this for your business?

Who are your customers are trying to impress and how? If you find your brand is still mainly focusing on BIGGER, BETTER, HARDER, but your customers aren’t, then you perhaps you should consider other ways to help your customer gain status from skills, green credentials, generosity and connectivity.

If you already serve a diverse crowd of status seekers, figure out how you can help them to better show off their new status symbols or better tell their status stories. While showcasing, visibility, and stories are used to respond to consumers desires for status with MORE. Helping your customers tell stories or show how they are generous, green, have knowledge, skills and are connected may be the message that gets them to act.

Do you need to tell customers how you can help them have more status in new ways? Something that can be touched and felt, sent directly to your desired audience can tell your story in ways that can’t be told with a screen.


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