Month: July 2010

  • Business to Business Data Management

    The Wellesley Hills Group published a study about trends in Lead Generation. They found leads generated by companies fall into one of three categories, 25% were ready to be contacted by a salesperson, 50% of the leads need more “nurturing”, and 25% were not really qualified to be leads.

    We want to help you with nurturing your sales leads. Before you can sell your service or product to an organization you will need to educate your customers about what problems you solve, provide some specific information, solidify your reputation, give some specific answers and perhaps tell about a case study.

    Direct mail is a great way to communicate some or all of this information because not only will you be guiding your prospects through a stepped process to get them ready for your sales staff, you are also putting something that can be touched and felt into their hands.

  • Waste, Signal of Economic Growth?

    The Harvard Business Review highlighted a story from Bloomberg about the number of US rail cars filled with waste as an indicator of economic growth.

    The stories stated that the number of cars jumped to 79,044 in April and May 2010, an increase of 45% from a year earlier, according to the Association of American Railroads. That’s the biggest such increase since at least 1994. The cargo consisted of iron and steel (42%), municipal waste and demolition products (32%), paper (11%), ashes (5%), nonferrous metals (4%), miscellaneous (4%), and chemical waste (1%).

    This is an unusual statistic and source of optimism about the economy, but something that has not gone up since 1994 got our attention.