Think about common paper sizes. Your printer buys paper from paper mills in standard sizes. Hopefully your printer will try to help you minimize your costs and maximize the amount of the sheet that will be used, so you are not paying for paper that you won’t use or waste.
The most common sizes of paper from paper suppliers are:
- 17 x 22 inches
- 19 x 25 inches
- 20 x 26 inches
- 23 x 35 inches
- 25 x 38 inches
- 28 x 34 inches
- 26 x 40 inches
We hope that you or your designer will keep these dimensions in mind while your piece is designed. Speaking of things to think about while you design, please talk to us about postage and classification before you go to press. There may be a small alternation that you can make that will save you a large percentage in postage.
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