There are many sources and resources about color and color psychology, we stumbled across this image that was a part of post.

There was some great information that we hope you can use in your marketing and mailing creative.
- 93% of consumers placed visual appearance and color above other factors when shopping.
- 85% of shoppers placed color as a primary reason for buying a particular product.
- Color increased brand recognition by 80%.
- Color can increase comprehension by 73%.
North American online shoppers found:
- Yellow to be optimistic and youthful, often used to grab attention
- Red connotes energy, increases heart rate and creates urgency, it is often used in clearance sales
- Blue creates trust and security, it is often used by banks and businesses
- Green is the easiest color for the eyes to process, it is associated with wealth, used to encourage relaxation in stores.
- Orange is perceived to be aggressive, can create a call to action
- Pink is romantic and feminine, used to attract women and young girls
- Black is powerful and sleek, used to market luxury products
- Purple used to soothe and calm, often used for beauty or anti aging products
We are here to help you use and maximize all resources and information as you put together your mailing and marketing campaigns.
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