A great blog post from The Ad Contrarian published this list of ten great facts that deserve to keep going.
Top 10 Double-Secret Unknown Facts About Advertising
- 99.9% of people who are served an online display ad do not click on it.
- TV viewership is now at its highest point ever.
- 96% of all retail activity is done in a store. 4% is done on line.
- DVR owners watch live TV 95% of the time. 5% of the time they watch recorded material.
- 99% percent of all video viewing is done on a television. 1% is done on line.
- The difference in purchasing behavior between people who use DVRs to skip ads and those who don’t: None.
- Since the 1990s, click-through rates for banner ads have dropped 97.5%.
- Since the introduction of TiVo, real time TV viewing has increased over 20%.
- Baby boomers dominate 94% of all consumer packaged goods categories. 5% of advertising is aimed at them.
- TV viewers are no more likely to leave the room during a commercial break than they are before or after the break.
The author, Bob Hoffman, CEO of Hoffman/Lewis, listed the following as his sources.
- DoubleClick, Benchmark Report, 2009
- Nielsen Three Screen Report, Q1 2010
- U.S. Department of Commerce, Q2 2010; Nielsen Three Screen Report, Q1 2010
- Duke University, Do DVRs Influence Sales?
- Nielsen Three Screen Report, Q1 2010
- Duke University, Do DVRs Influence Sales?
- Li, Hairong; Leckenby, John D. (2004). “Internet Advertising Formats and Effectiveness”. Center for Interactive Advertising. And DoubleClick, Benchmark Report, 2009
- NielsenWire, Nov. 10, 2009
- Marketing Daily, July 22, 2010
- Council for Research Excellence, May 10, 2010