Tag: Harvard Business Publishing

  • Opportunity to Wow with Service

    According to Harvard Business Publishing and Accenture, only 40% of consumers say companies frequently or always meet their service expectations, according to Accenture’s survey of more than 5,000 people in 12 countries. That’s down from 45% in 2008 and 53% in 2007, the consulting firm says.

    Is this the time to put together a direct mail piece describing your customer service?

  • Is This The Upturn?

    According to an extract by Harvard Business Publishing of a snapshot of Economic Conditions, by McKinsey Global, 69% of a global panel of executives surveyed during the second week of December 2009 said they expected their national economies to be at least moderately better by the end of the first half of 2010. In fact, 24% said that an upturn has already begun.

    A majority of executives expect consumer demand for their goods to rise in the near term. Respondents offer relatively positive views of the economy and say they can now make longer-term strategic plans. Just over half of executives continue to say economic conditions are now better than they were in September 2008.

  • Who Should Be Your Spokesperson?

    In a prescient post by Harvard Business Publishing on November 19th of last year. They shared information gathered by an Adweek Media/ Harris Poll that found that among US adults 37% say business leaders, 21% say athletes, 18% say TV or movie stars, 14% say musicians, and 10% say former political figures, make the most persuasive ad pitchmen (or pitchwomen).

    Maybe you, as a leader of your company, would make a great spokesperson?

    Call us 602-272-2100 to talk to us about some ideas to implement this in your next direct mail piece.

  • Executive Confidence Rising

    According to an article extracted from a November 2009 McKinsey Quarterly by Harvard Business Publishing, executives are becoming more optimistic about the economy and the strength of the recovery. In the survey conducted during the last week of October 2009 that measured executive mood, 51% said they think the economy is better now than it was in September 2008.

  • The Way Consumers Make Purchasing Decisions Is Evolving

    According to an article extracted from McKinsey Quarterly by Harvard Business Publishing, customers are controlling more of the buying decision process and actively “pulling” information helpful to them. McKinsey research found that during the phase when consumers are considering a purchase, 2/3 of the touch point moments (that is, instances when customers learned more about a product) were actually driven by the consumer rather than the seller. These include reading product reviews on the Internet, discussing a product with friends and family, or in-store interactions.

    Traditional marketing, including direct mail, remains important, but more in building brand and awareness, before customers are decide exactly what to purchase.