Just Advice or Complete Service?

Graphic design for deliverability and responseGraphic design and layout services begin by considering your objectives, what image do you need to project?

  1. Will your target audience respond to an economical or high quality message?
  2. What is the response you desire?
  3. Do you want customers to place an order, schedule a sales call, visit your web site, call you for information or request printed details?

We offer advice if you are designing the mail piece yourself. We are also happy to work with your graphic designer. Use this template to get you started on a postcard.

The items required by the U. S. Postal Service (mailing panel) can be designed to improve deliverability, readability and response rates.

Our graphic design and layout techniques are tested and proven to improve results. We know what information to put where, the best way to design a postcard and also where to place key contact information.

We will advise you about the room required on the mailing piece for the address, bar code, code line and possible postal system additions. We will also work with you to get the optimal placement of postage, best wording for indicia (mailing permit information), optimal use of space for indicia and adherence to postal requirements.

What We Design

  • Postcards
  • Folding Mail Pieces
  • Announcement Cards
  • Greeting Cards
  • Flyers
  • Newsletters
  • Calendars
  • Business Cards
  • Brochures
  • Door Hangers
  • Sell Sheets
  • Many more, please ask